Samsung digital pen and paper

Samsung Galaxy Note comes with S-Pen that allows you to write on the digital paper the way you would write on a piece of paper. It is very good for making quick notes, drawing rough sketches, etc. There are inbuilt templates for various functions. There are settings such as stroke type and thickness, colour of ink, size of eraser etc.

You can send these handwritten notes as such to your friends. You can also use the feature of S-note that recognises the handwriting and converts it into proper computer text. If you use Evernote or such other app, you can capture the handwritten note in different ways.

Yet many Note users have not tried this feature at all or have discarded it before trying. Try it and you will fall in love with it.

There is also a tiny stylus attached to the phone, and it is awesome in its use. Though you can write on s-note using your finger tip or a crude writing stick that you can make on your own (see the video given here on YouTube), the stylus given with the phone is much more accurate, stylish and easy to use.

By any chance, if you lose the stylus, you can buy one from Samsung or there are many companies that sell a wide range of styluses.

Samsung or iPhone?

The smartphone market is dominated by Samsung and iPhone, and it is always difficult to choose between the two. Both regularly come with phones and tabs with features that are comparable.

People who are used to iPhone swear by it and won't go for Samsung even if you give ten arguments about using an Android phone, that Samsung is. On the other hand, Samsung users tend to like the feel of Samsung and the great app choice it gives. 

In fact, most users do not go beyond the common features of smartphones; they seldom use the voice or touch or predictive or handwriting recognition (and many other) capabilities that come with the phone. So, the talk of features is often futile.

If somebody tells you that iPhone cameras are better or its looks are immensely better than those of Samsung mobiles, take it with a pinch of salt. Make an informed decision after going to a comparing / tech site, see reviews (many such sites are linked here) and comparing model versus model (and not brand vs brand). 

Big screens: how handy are these?

There is a tendency to buy phones with big screens, without caring for the problems a big screen can bring along with it. 

If you have money and you really need a big mobile (e.g. you need to watch videos/movies or read a lot of matter or compose documents), buy a big one by all means. In fact, you can go for a cross between phone and tablet (fablet), which is quite a bulky phone but has screen as big as a tablet (9-10 inch). However, don't buy a huge mobile only as a show off.
  • Big mobiles need to be held in hand or kept in a clutch as these cannot be kept in shirt or jeans pockets.
  • Big mobiles will, as compared to its smaller sibling, likely use more battery. 
  • Big mobiles are also prone to suffer bigger damage on fall. 
  • Phones wider than 3 inches could hurt your palm, especially if you have small hands.3" width would correspond to about what is called 5" screen size.